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Our Sedation Dentistry Services

If you experience fear or anxiety when faced with an upcoming dental appointment, you are not alone –millions of American adults feel the same way. Some may have suffered pain recently at the hands of the dentist, while others had an unpleasant or even traumatic dentistry experience as a child. Whatever the case, Dr. Joseph McCartin and the rest of our team understand how difficult these negative emotions can be to overcome. However, it’s crucial that patients receive routine dental care so smiles don’t fall victim to cavities, gum disease, and other potentially damaging conditions. That’s why we offer oral conscious sedation to patients from the Beverly and Mount Greenwood areas of Chicago, as well as surrounding communities. This sedation method helps patients feel relaxed and at ease as we improve their oral health and beauty.

Do I need sedation dentistry?

If any of these characteristics describe you, sedation dentistry might be the right choice:

Oral Conscious Sedation

When undergoing oral conscious sedation, we’ll prescribe you a medication, and let you know at what time before your appointment to take it. Then, a responsible family member or friend needs to bring you to our office. Once we’ve determined that you’re comfortable, Dr. McCartin and our team begin treatment. Patients who are under oral conscious sedation are able to respond to questions or commands, but the calming effects are so great that many experience an amnesic effect after the procedure is completed. Your companion will also need to take you home, and keep an eye on you for the rest of the day. By the following morning, you should feel completely back to normal, and able to enjoy your full restored smile.

10401 South Kedzie Avenue, Chicago, IL 60655 USA
JOSEPH G. MCCARTIN, DDS Dentist in CHICAGO, IL (773) 238-2906